新标准础罢厂颁3.0数字电视信号发生器 JH8648AMM Studio>All in OneHigh-end LevelAnalyze, GeneratingEditing and Auto Testing
MM Studio is the integrated equipment which can Analyze ATSC 3.0 DASH/ROUTE, MMTP stream, Modifying and Transmitting immediay. (DASH/ROUTE, MMTP Analyzer, Editor, RF Generator unified and supports all digital broadcasting specifications)
AMM Studio support creating, deleting, modifying functionality for STL TP & Live IP Input. User defined test pattern with variety parameters can be created. (L1 Setting & PLP Setting, Signaling(LLS, SLS) Edit, ESG Edit, Captions & Subtitles(TTML/IMSC1) Edit, MPLP(TDM, FDM, LDM), L2 LMT Edit, Multi Subframe)
And AMM Studio support variety situations that occur in actual field.
AMM Studio can be used for development, Quality Control and mass production.